Thursday 18 November 2010

a long time coming

Its been so long since I last wrote anything in here. I miss it.

Everything in my head has become to saturated since. And I realised that I have become a lot more bitchier too. I have gone back to making judgements and not liking a lot of people. Which makes my job a lil' harder.

Talking about my job. I have developed this love hate relationship with it and I am still very on the fence about how I feel about this job. The satisfaction only comes in little burst (when I make a sale). There isn't really much of a high.

You know the episode when Meredith comes out of the OR after one of her first surgeries, and she ask Derek why would anyone want to do drugs? and she was high on what she was doing, her job, operating on people.

The question is, will I ever get that 'high'?

That is just the job front.

Claire and I are moving out. We have decided that the house is too toxic for our sanity. There's too much to elaborate but this is what I can say... suffocation has never really been an issue. I realised that I'm a nomad. A girl with no home. I never felt at home since I got back to KL for good last year. Its been a year now. Nothing has changed. Nothing at all.

I guess in many ways I am very blessed because I have been given the opportunity to step out of the box. View things from the outside. Making decisions and settling on certain point of view from outside the box makes certain things more bearable. I don't know how I survived before moving out for 5 years.

And now, I'm glad I can afford to move out. I wish I has enough money to get Michelle out too. I will. Eventually. I guess its time to be cruel to be kind.

Christmas is 'round the corner again. And we're all heading to Singapore.

Deirdre is pregnant and its a boy. Expected arrival in April. No more "Let's Party!" .. its now "BABY SHOWER!".

Life is definitely changing. But situations somewhat remains the same.

Ain't life just grand?

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