Tuesday, 17 February 2009

There is a time for everything.

I knew it was too good to be true when there was no drama what-so-ever. Just one week before I left KL; a whole lot of shit hit the fan hard!

Let's just say that bitch of a slut's true colours are out for the world to see. I'm just so surprised that everyone is just keeping quiet and until now he doesn't realise it at all! I got a feeling that he would only know about it when it is too late. When that happens, I don't want to be around and I know for a fact that the three of them are in the same boat as me.

Anyways, on a brighter side of things, Thiv is applying for Otago and hopefully Layka will be here with mne too!!! And the wedding plans seems to be going rather smoothly. The venue is booked! The registration date is set! The EE classes are starting soon! And we're all gonna lose weight for the wedding! woottt wooottt!

Classes starting next week. I really need a job badly man. Haihz. Especially when I wanna travel up to Welly at least once this year.

Here's a few somethings I wanna remember for life;
~ Kevin, Layka and I had a lil sleepover the night before I left. I couldn't stop laughing... Kevin was on of the girls and Layka's sides hurt. We need more sleepovers like that. What would I do without those two?

~ Clairessa and I have become closer... and I have Amil to thank for. :)

~ My baby gave me a ring for my birthday. I'm not engaged.

~ I finally for my tattoo! "There is a time for everything" on the 5th of Feb 2009. My first tattoo I got it on the 1st of Feb 2004. I think I should get an extension on my birthday the next time around huh? hehehe.

I can't wait for September! Its gonna be nuts! hehehehe..

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