Tuesday, 3 March 2009

upset tummy

How do you tell someone to stick with it? To roll with the punches? To just put up with all the shit for a bit longer? How do you tell someone who have had all that luxury that has turned into a necessity, taken away from them in a glimpse of an eye?

I know its not easy. But everyone has been through it and for some, they have gone through it many times over. But how do you tell someone who is going through it for the first time? How do you seek comfort from someone who may have never gone through it or have gone through it so many times it has become a way of life?

Am I making any sense at all? I'm making all the sense in the world in my little head of mine. But I not sure if I'm making any sense to someone else out there.

I just called Kevin and spoke to him for a bit. I'm absolutely so happy for him and he comes bearing shocking news (it is shocking for me at least). Douglas Robin Tan is freaking engaged!! One more getting married. I did mention that Melissa and Shaun are engaged and all right?
That officially makes 1 married one and 2 engaged ones in the confirmation group of 2001/2002. oh what has the world become.

I guess its not really what the world has become but more like what I'm seeing. Someone once told me that even one year makes a lot of difference. What you see when you're 18 is definately not what you see at 19. I argued and said that 1 year don't make much difference especially when you do the same shit everyday. But it does make a difference; I can bite my tongue now.

Even if you do the same thing everyday; but what you see out the window changes every single time you look outside.

And some people just need to fucking grow up.

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