Monday, 25 May 2009

Little updates,

Its been a while huh..?

Well.. its apparently confirmed.. that woman is gonna have a baby boy and he is raving about it to everyone. It is after all his precious wife. out with the old and in with the new right?

on a happier note, kimberly gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. I'm so happy for her. and darling tristan just turned one. so anymore babies anyone???

I feel so young and old at the same time. young because i am still rather naive about the real world aka. working life. and at the same time, old because people my around my age are getting married or already married or married with a kid. I'm not where near such life changing stages yet. I'm a young old 23 year old.

Pictures of Wellington is up on facebook btw. Did i tell you.. I'm in love. *wait for it* With. *wait for it* Wellington!!!

Oh ya. and Yoong wei and Yvonne was in dunedin. They arrived on friday, so Gene and I took them for drinks at Toast and they liked it alot. Then the next morning, they went to Bluff for the bluff fest. Back in Dunedin on Sunday. Had dinner with him and Yvonne then drinks at Barakah. And they headed back to Hamilton on Monday morning. He looks the same. It was 5 years since I saw him. So meeting up with him was good.


Time to fold the clothes, change the bed sheets and start on my report and abstract.

Tata for now.

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